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Italia dei Diritti

Movimento politico nazionale
per la difesa dei diritti dei cittadini.

Chi Siamo Aderisci

Built-in LESS parser

The Meet Gavern template contains the built-in LESS parser - both for Bootstrap and template code. You can enable parsing the LESS files after every page refresh.

Warning! Please remember that if you enable the LESS parser then your modified CSS files will be overwriten by the new ones generated from the *.less files.

The LESS parser can be enabled separately for Bootstrap and for the template LESS files in the "Layouts" tab:

Warning! Please remember to disable the LESS parser after finishing your work - the process is a little bit time consuming so it can delay your page loading speed.

The Meet Gavern LESS code will be still improved to use full potential of the LESS syntax.

Where are the LESS files?

The LESS files are located in the two places:

  1. In the bootstrap/less/ directory the Bootstrap LESS files are located
  2. In the less/ directory the template LESS files are located .
